Partner with us
6 Reasons why AnySignage is your perfect digital signage platform
Disruptive pricing
Up to 50% less than similar solutions
Recurring revenue
Cloud subscription offers recurring revenue on annual renewal
Free technical support 24x5
Our partners get free technical support free 24x5 technical support
Packed with great features and functionalities
AnySignage developed to offers all features and functionalities expected from enterprise digital signage platform. We constantly develop and enhance AnySignage according to market trend and technologies.
Multi location data centres to choose
AnySignage has facilities at UK, USA, Singapore, Australia, Japan. Select where is nearest to your customer and enjoy same service across multiple locations.
Bring Your Own Device
AnySignage allows partner to select their own hardware vendor and increase the revenue from selling hardware.
AnySignage can be run on Android, Windows, LG webOS* and Samsung TIZEN*.
* Please refer to Knowledge Base to find out details about supported models